A quirky collection of flash fiction based in the realm of post-apocolyptic fiction with forward by Daniel Humphreys. From the Pollenocalypse to zombies, you're sure to feel right at home with the end of the world.
(Tags : Bugged Out Babblings: A Corner Scribblers Flash Collection w/ Guest Author, Daniel Humphreys (2020 Quarterly, Book 2) (Unabridged) Corner Scribblers, J.D. Beckwith, Daniel Humphreys, Karin Harris, Jerry Harwood, William Joseph Roberts, Reggi Broach, Isaac Craft, Calvin Beam & Stacy Harmon Audiobook, Corner Scribblers, J.D. Beckwith, Daniel Humphreys, Karin Harris, Jerry Harwood, William Joseph Roberts, Reggi Broach, Isaac Craft, Calvin Beam & Stacy Harmon Audio CD )