A Dark Fae trying to make things right.
A human girl wondering how it all went so wrong.
Don’t trust the humans.
It’s a new sentiment among the fae. For most of his life, the few humans he’s known have been like family. So how does their entire world want those like Gullie destroyed?
The secret is out.
Fae exist and the humans believe Magic threatens their way of life.
The once-fringe cult that has spent years terrorizing the fae—and killing any humans that got in the way—now has the backing of governments and the media.
Their goal? Keep the fae out of our world.
What they really mean? Destroy them all.
Gulliver refuses to give up on the communities of fae scattered across human cities.
And he’ll never give up on Sophie. Whether she’s taking up residence in the queen’s lavish Iskaltian rooms, or sitting by her father’s side as he plans to annihilate the fae, Gulliver has to reach her. He has to make her see there’s another way.
There might be a tail coming from his behind. His eyes might be more familiar to a cat, and he might live in a world of vanishing villages and healing waters, but all Gulliver wants is for his home to remain safe and those fae who choose to make the human world their home to have that same safety.
Even if he has to lose her to hate.
Even if he has to face a warzone of bombs and guns, and the destruction of every taco he holds dear.
The fate of both worlds is now up to him … magicless Gulliver O’Shea.
Book 11 in the Queens of the Fae series brings us closer to a conclusion of this twisty, exciting, swoony Fae love story.
(Tags : Fae's Enemy M. Lynn & Melissa A. Craven Audiobook, M. Lynn & Melissa A. Craven Audio CD )