The Invisible Hand: Economic Intelligence And Industrial Espionage - Davis Truman

The Invisible Hand: Economic Intelligence And Industrial Espionage

By Davis Truman

  • Release Date: 2025-03-10
  • Genre: Nonfiction
  • © 2025 Davis Truman

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The Invisible Hand: Economic Intelligenc Davis Truman

Summary : The Invisible Hand: Economic Intelligence And Industrial Espionage

"The Invisible Hand" delves deep into the clandestine world of economic intelligence and industrial espionage, where the forces shaping global economies are often unseen and unknown.

In this riveting exploration, author Davis Truman unveils the intricate web of intrigue that underpins modern capitalism. From covert operations to sophisticated cyber espionage, this book reveals how nations and corporations deploy their resources relentlessly for competitive advantage.

Drawing from real-life examples and historical case studies, "The Invisible Hand" exposes governments' and businesses' shadowy tactics to gain insight into their rivals' strategies, steal trade secrets, and manipulate markets. 

(Tags : The Invisible Hand: Economic Intelligence And Industrial Espionage Davis Truman Audiobook, Davis Truman Audio CD )